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  • Synaesthesia


    Synaesthesia is a neurological condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. People with synaesthesia, known as synaesthetes, might experience a blending of the…

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  • Interoception


    Interoception, often referred to as the “eighth sense,” is the ability to perceive internal bodily sensations. This includes awareness of hunger, thirst, heart rate, needing the bathroom. For neurodivergent individuals, interoception can be a crucial yet often overlooked…

    Read more: Interoception
  • Navigating ADHD during Menopause

    Navigating ADHD during Menopause

    Menopause: the ultimate plot twist in a woman’s life! It’s like your body decided to throw a surprise party with a guest list full of bodily and emotional changes. For neurodivergent women, especially those with ADHD, this party…

    Read more: Navigating ADHD during Menopause